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"One of the ten"

·3 mins

A lot of people celebrate Valentine’s Day today, or the so-called “day of love”. Some celebrate it together with their partners, others with their family. Some celebrate it more generally.

A lot of presents will cross hands today, with even more bouquets and cards. Everyone, according to their expression of love. Nowadays, we hear a lot of talk about love - there are thousands of songs, books and movies on this topic. They create an impression of what love should look like; what we should expect from it; how we should express it; what it consists of.

However, it is very important that today, of all days, we do not miss the true meaning of love.

Love is a beautiful thing and it is great to set aside some time to appreciate it for what it is. To enjoy the warmth that it provides to each and every one; the good relations that it supports; the families that it builds; the hope that it gives rise to; the relief that it brings to hearts filled with pain; the purpose that it gives to life. For all of these and many more reasons, we should be truly grateful for love. For true love.

There is nothing wrong with giving each other gifts, setting aside time for those who we love and expressing our love once again.

However, we mustn’t forget that true love is like a flower. It needs water…, minerals…, the warm rays of the sun…, light…, protection…, care - all of this, day after day, in the space of a long time, in days sunny and stormy, alike. All ingredients which cannot be substituted by flowers, cards and chocolates.

In his book titled “On This Day”, Carl D. Windsor gives the following anecdote on the page dedicated to “Valentine’s Day”:

An elderly couple walk together
The secret to a long and happy marriage…

Even the most devoted couple will experience a “stormy” bout once in a while. A grandmother, celebrating her golden anniversary, once told the secret of her long and happy marriage. “On my wedding day, I decided to make a list of ten of my husband’s faults which for the sake of our marriage, I would overlook,” she said.

A guest asked the woman what some of the faults she has chosen to overlook were. The grandmother replied, “To tell you the truth, my dear, I never got around to listing them. But whenever my husband did something that made me hopping mad, I would say to myself, Lucky for him that’s one of the ten!”

This grandma’s secret was forgiveness. By making such sacrifices, she showed love. Love which could survive turbulent times in the name of the common good. Love which put her husband’s interests before her very own.

This is just one of true love’s foundational principles. The Bible gives us the complete definition, in a very clear and simple way, of what it means to truly love:

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails...

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Today, more than ever in this world, we need this love - true love.

If we apply its principles in practice, we can turn, not just today, but tomorrow, the day after, every day, into a “day of love”.

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Daniel Odrinski
Daniel Odrinski